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You might say that all of our work falls into one of two baskets. 


Basket #1 is Missionary Services

We are privileged to serve some of the most dedicated missionaries on the planet.


Basket #2 is Projects

All LWM projects are done with the partnership of our missionaries, who are the boots-on-the-ground to make sure each project is carried out with integrity.


We believe our Heavenly Father has called His family to go after the least reached in these last days.  Our projects are focused on the least reached…UPGs (unreached people groups) and UUPGs (unengaged unreached people groups)…most among Muslim peoples.


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a

witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” 

Matthew 24:14


We invite you to view the project options that follow.

Pray, give, and be part of fulfilling history!

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A 21st Century Missions Society
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